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HELLO 2020

20/20 is defined as having visual acuity. I know a lot of artists strive for this perfection in their creative process, but if you've followed me, I'm sure you've realized that's not me. I'm inspired by the blurry parts of what I see, the shadows of unknown, and even the hidden in the folds of life that we can't see, only feel. These are the "juicy parts," as artist and mentor Simon Kogan expresses. Thank you so much for following my art journey and collecting my work. I hope you have a great year ahead and embrace all of the intriguing imperfections along the way.

- Joanie



Mayo Clinic

Public Works for

Humanities in Medicine

Scottsdale, AZ

Fall 2019-Winter 2020

The Center for Humanities in Medicine at Mayo Clinic is an amazing program integrating the arts and other expressions of human culture into the healing environment. My work was accepted into exhibition at the Scottsdale Clinic location in the Radiation Oncology department.



Phoenix, AZ

Fall 2019-Spring 2020

In a fusion of visual art and music, I'm an Artist-in-Residence for Helios, a unique vocal ensemble in Phoenix, Arizona whose aim is to illuminate early music with contemporary insight.



I can't believe I've been in my new space for a year now. The move inspired a 2019 exhibit called Urban Ethos. I've adapted to the vibe and reduced my carbon footprint, being in a walking Quarter. Of course,I still need to work on reducing my air miles!

Come see my studio! Studio visits are available by appointment.



My website was recently updated so you can now purchase art right from the site, as well as follow some of my studio scenes and upcoming events.


© 2023 by Joan Maureen Collins

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